May 2, 3, and 4, immerse yourself in the world of musical theater at MAD Drama’s production of the acclaimed and timeless musical, West Side Story at James Madison High School. Inspired by the age-old story of Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story reimagines the tale of these star-crossed lovers in the distinct city life of New York City’s West Side in the 1950s. Despite the tensions between two rival gangs, Maria, a recent immigrant from Puerto Rico, falls in love with Tony, a former member of the Jet gang. These gangs, the Sharks and the Jets, battle it out on the New York streets as the two young lovers defy racial barriers. The story is filled with both deeply moving and upbeat melodies, coming to a close on a tragic note with an incredibly relevant social message. The show, known for its impressive dancing and beautiful musical score with hits such as “America” and “Maria,” is to date one of America’s most-loved musical treasures. Performances are May 2, 3, and 4 at 7:30 PM and May 4 at 2:30 PM at James Madison High School, 2500 James Madison Drive, Vienna, Virginia, 22181. Tickets are $12 online at and $15 at the door.