What’s New, Exciting in Lorton Area Schools

What’s New, Exciting in Lorton Area Schools

Principals’ Back-to-School Report

In the first week of the new school year, The Connection asked area school principals to respond to three questions:

1 - What are the most exciting developments in your school in the new school year?

2 - What would be your, one-sentence, message to parents, community?

3 - Any upcoming events, activities?

Here are their responses:

Janice Dalton, Principal, Laurel Hill Elementary, Lorton:

1 - Exciting developments at Laurel Hill: STEAM Lab, Makers Space and a Totally Tech Classroom.

2 - Partner with us! Join our outstanding PTA.

3 - Back to School Night and Screen on the Green! Check our website for dates.

Kathleen Case, Principal, Union Mill Elementary:

1 - Union Mill is looking forward to a great year. Besides our intense work on academics, we continue to focus on Portrait of a Graduate skills. We will also continue to incorporate the Responsive Classroom approach into our classrooms and school to create safe, joyful, and engaging classrooms and communities. Our work with The Positivity Project will also continue this year and we are excited that many of our pyramid schools will be joining Centreville Elementary and us on this journey. We had a pyramid kick-off for all staff members in the Centreville pyramid with keynote speakers Mike Erwin, co-founder of The Positivity Project, and Dr. Scott Brabrand, Superintendent of FCPS schools, and we are looking forward to more collaboration with our pyramid schools this year.

2 - At Union Mill, we will continue to teach Executive Functioning skills to all students and this work connects well with Responsive Classroom and The Positivity Project philosophies.

3 - Our Back to School picnic is Friday, Sept.7, from 5 – 7 p.m. This is always a well-attended event and is a great way for families to meet new staff members and see new and old friends.