Maggie Waldron of Burke gives a 26-ounce can of chicken noodle soup Oct. 21, 2017 to Chloe Charlesworth, 12, and her brother Spencer, 14, in front of the Giant Food grocery store at the Burke Town Center. The Lake Braddock Secondary School students volunteered last fall for the “Burke Gives Back: Changing the World” teams at three grocery stores along Burke Centre Parkway between Ox and Old Keene Mill roads. Burke residents can shop again at these stores May 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and help keep 400 local children from going hungry this summer in Fairfax County. Grocery lists will be distributed at the entrances of Safeway at 5727 Burke Centre Parkway, Giant Food at 6011 Burke Centre Parkway and the Safeway at 9596 Old Keene Mill Rd. Photo by Marti Moore/The Connection
May is the month when United Methodists try to change the world one community at a time.
Burke is no different.
At the Terra Centre Elementary School in Burke, local residents can help a Raleigh, N.C., charity end hunger by 2030 and pack 20,000 fortified meals May 19 for Rise Against Hunger.
Other hands-on humanitarian aid activities there Saturday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. include assembling weekend food bags for school children at seven elementary schools in Fairfax County and health kits for an upcoming mission trip to Honduras. Volunteers also will collect and sort donated items for local food pantries, and help other county charities be ready to hand out winter clothing donations at the next cold snap.
Jane Wilson, director of outreach missions at Burke United Methodist Church, says the goal of Burke Gives Back is to open the eyes of local residents, who may not be aware of the community needs in their own backyard. She believes people generally want to do good in the world and help out. The volunteer charity action along Burke Centre Parkway this weekend will help them “learn how to change the world,” Wilson claims.
There’s more work to be done Sunday at the corner of Burke Centre Parkway and Burke Lake Road — where Burke United Methodist Church has more humanitarian aid projects for the community and reward for a job well done at a festival that offers a food truck, ice cream social and moon bounce amusement for kids.
Learn about more service activities May 19 and 20 online at or call BUMC at (703) 250-6100.
Wilson says people who want to participate but have other weekend plans can help in a huge way through prayer for good weather and mild temperatures.
“Please pray for no rain” she said.