It’s A Girl! in Herndon

It’s A Girl! in Herndon

Special delivery for Station 39 personnel.

The crew visits the family at the maternity ward.

The crew visits the family at the maternity ward. Photo courtesy of Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department

The evening of Wednesday, March 14 was one that the crew from Fire Station 39, North Point, B-Shift will remember for a long time. It was also a night to remember for a local family.

At approximately 10:50 p.m., the crew from 39-B helped to deliver a bouncing baby girl at a local home. The surprised parents were not planning to invite a bunch of paramedics and firefighters to share their big day. However, the healthy baby girl had other ideas and decided she was ready to meet Mom, Dad and big sister – right then and there.

After the birth, mother and baby were transported to an area hospital. The paramedics and firefighters worked the rest of the night and had Thursday off.

On Friday, the crew was back to work. They decided to visit the family at the maternity ward and brought along a card, gift card, balloon and baby (toy) bunny. Captain Randy Bittinger and crew took a goody bag for big sister as well.

Baby, Mom, Dad and big sister are enjoying this new day with a fun story to tell for years to come.

Congratulations and job well done: Master Technician Brian Roberts, Technician Sue Varholy Tomczak, Technician Israel Lopez, Firefighter/EMT Kyler Rodgers, Firefighter/Paramedic Nels Jorgenson and Captain Randy Bittinger!