Scouts from Troops 652 and 1130 and Fairfax Fire Department personnel laid the memorial wreath at the Memorial Day ceremony sponsored by the McLean American Legion Post 270 as the Post Commander looks. The ceremony took place at the McLean High School Memorial Garden. Photo by Sam Roberts
McLean Post 270 of the American Legion conducted their annual Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 28, at Memorial Garden at McLean High School adjacent to the school’s flag poles and the Davidson Road main entrance.
Special guests in attendance included: state delegates, the McLean High School Principal, and Fairfax County Fire Department.
Also in attendance, U.S. military veterans from Post 270, and around the area, and those that have fought in U.S. wars from World War II.
The service was followed by an open house reception at the Post Home at 1355 Balls Hill Road in McLean.
As part of the Post’s Americanism program, Post 270 participates in the McLean Independence Day Celebration at Churchill Road School on Balls Hill Road by providing free U.S. flags; and at another memorial service on Veterans Day, Nov. 11 at McLean High School.