Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Heartfelt Or Heartless?

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Heartfelt Or Heartless?

It would appear that the good folks of Del Ray have "No Room for Hate nor The Homeless." The comments [“Mother of Light,” Gazette Packet, June 28] that were made by citizens of Del Ray, I am sure, are ones of valid concern. Except the various self-congratulating signs in yards and businesses that scream "Look at me, aren't I a good person" presents the irony of the two. "As long as it isn't in my backyard I can ride the high road" is what comes across.

As one person said … we don't have a homeless problem. The same people are upset with U.S. border controls and the like but when it comes to the homeless there is a bias that homeless people equate to criminals and drug addiction. I am sure the good folks of Munich, Germany in the 1930s and ’40s said the same of the gypsies, tramps and thieves the good folks wanted relocated elsewhere ….

Sandy Sanor
