The late Sadie Murata and her mother Jennifer, of Burke, with Juan Solo, enjoying taking him outside of the house. Sadie died last September. Photo Contributed
Burke — Chihuahua mix “Juan Solo” Murata was picked by young Sadie Murata, who died last September due to cancer. The Muratas, of Burke, always had big dogs in their house yet when Sadie was reaching the end of her treatment, she wanted a small dog that would sit with her. The Muratas found a smaller dog with a kind and calm demeanor at the last shelter they visited. The family sat down with him and Sadie looked at her mother and said she wanted him. He came home with the family and stuck with Sadie for as long as she was with them. He is now an important family member who goes on trips with the family. “He loves going on long walks and even goes on backpacking trips with our family. We love him and adventures we take him on,” said Evie Murata.