Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Preserving Character of McLean

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Preserving Character of McLean

Downtown McLean is being invaded by prospective developers looking for tiny pockets of land to build high density buildings. The current proposed six-story condo with a parking garage, to be built on the existing parking lot behind Chipotle is the most imminent.

The notion that a small parking area can be torn down and redeveloped into a huge condo complex sets a precedent for others to follow.

We have already been negatively impacted by the Tysons development, which is causing relentless traffic, and is slowly changing the character of our town.

McLean residents, before we lose our downtown McLean to Urban Sprawl and become another Clarendon or Reston Town Center, write your Supervisor and say No to the proposed condo behind Chipotle in McLean.

Lynn O’Looney
