Darren Brown, executive pastor, leads in the singing at the ground-breaking ceremony of Burke Community Church’s $17.2 million campus expansion. Photo by Steve Hibbard.
More than 50 people attended the ground-breaking ceremony on Sunday, Feb. 11, for a new $17.2 million campus expansion at Burke Community Church on Old Keene Mill Road. The event included remarks from Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity, church builders, planners, officials and elders.
“God has really blessed our church in ways that we’re shocked at what God has done here,” said Senior Pastor Marty Baker to the gathering. “And it is an amazing thing to be at this point where we actually get to see the fruition of dreams and prayers over the many years.”
The 35,000-square-foot, two-story addition on the left side of the church will include a sanctuary with a state-of-the-art sound system; a double-height Narthex with a café, welcome center and bookstore; an outdoor patio; offices and classrooms; baptismal fountain; support spaces including a prayer room, cry room, production rooms, choir room, and restrooms. The $17.2 million includes the cost of the construction and soft costs.
There will also be a basement with space for classrooms, storage and support spaces. The project also covers renovations of the existing facility, including: conversion of the existing Worship Center into a youth center with a basketball court; renovation of existing offices and classrooms, and the addition of a new commercial kitchen.
“INTEC Group is proud to work alongside Burke Community Church to design a new home where people can come to know Christ and to make Him known,” said Laura Albert, Senior Project Manager with INTEC Group Inc., an architectural firm in Fairfax. “The new facility design provides warm foyer experiences, family rooms, a state-of-the-art sanctuary, educational facilities and a café. These exciting amenities support a strong community that is based on a sound Biblical foundation.”
Keith Switzer, owner of INTEC Group, who’s been involved in the project for 21 years, said, “In 1997, I saw the initial idea on a piece of paper, the site plan, and I said to myself what a tremendous endeavor that Burke Community Church is about to embark upon.”
LONG-TIME MEMBER Jackie Ehrman gave an historical reflection of the church. She recalled when they used folding chairs, and a period of 12-18 months when they relied on church Elders to run things because they had no pastor. She said, “In those 30 years, the BCC membership would swell and shrink – kind of like an accordion.” For two time periods, the church had grown so much that they had to leave the building and hold services at Lake Braddock Secondary, she said.
Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity said the expansion took a lot of hands over many years, noting that the county started to get involved with the project in 1999. “For those who are familiar with St. Bernadette’s, that’s where I went to grade school, and we worshipped for years and years in a gym until we built our church. I still remember how exciting it was for St. Bernadette’s when we graduated out of the gym and into the church,” he said.
“I also want to thank Burke Community Church for everything you do for all your ministries and everything you do for our community because it is so important,” he added.
Kevin Jackson, the builder from Whitener & Jackson, said they’ve been involved with the project for about three years. Curt Hammill, a church Elder, said the construction permits are underway with Fairfax County. “So pray for the county to approve those permits rapidly,” he said.
BURKE COMMUNITY CHURCH meets at 9900 Old Keene Mill Road, Burke. Sunday services are at 8 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.; and 11 a.m. The website is www.burkecommunity.com. Call 703-425-0205.