Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Impact of Airplane Noise

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Impact of Airplane Noise

As a concerned citizen, I am writing in response to the increased and incessant airplane noise, experienced on a daily basis in neighborhoods like mine. In 2015, the FAA implemented a satellite based system called NextGen, which allows for more take offs and landings concentrated on one flightpath versus multiple flight paths. As a result, our neighborhoods are bombarded with noise often from 5:30 a.m.-midnight.

According to the FAA website, “NextGen ... helps passengers reach their destinations on time, while reducing fuel burn and lessening our impact on the environment” yet at what cost to us, as citizens, and to our families? According to studies, excessive airplane noise has been linked to impairing long term memory and reading ability in children living near German airports (published in Psychological Science, Sept 2002) and most recently, excessive noise was related to possible increased hypertension according to the HYENA study in Europe.

Help take back our neighborhoods by voicing your concerns and continuing to register your complaints:


Elizabeth O'Hare
