Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Why Allow Dogs in Stores?

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Why Allow Dogs in Stores?

I am so very sick and tired of inconsiderate dog owners bringing their dogs everywhere, and of stores which permit this behavior. I was shopping at a store in Old Town Saturday and there were two pet dogs, not service dogs, in the store.

When I told both the owners and the manager that I found it inconsiderate to fellow shoppers that the dogs were in the store, I was told it was City of Alexandria policy to allow dogs in stores. Shame on that store and shame on Alexandria. When will the madness end? I do not mind dogs on the street or in pet stores, but it is not appropriate that they are permitted in all stores. If you cannot go shopping without your dog, how about you do your shopping online from your living room and let the rest of us shop without Fido? This is both a hygiene issue as well as an offense to those of us who are uncomfortable around dogs.

Abby Wacek
