Viewpoints: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Viewpoints: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Interviews conducted by Steve Hibbard at Pohick Regional Library.


Jamila Ahmadi of Springfield (with son Adam) "I'm thankful for my son that he's doing well after six days of fever that we were so worried that something big might be wrong with him. We had to go to the hospital in Baltimore and we found out there is nothing wrong with him; he just had probably a virus but it lasted so long so I'm very, very thankful."


Namira Meghla of Burke "I'm thankful for food; I'm thankful for my family; I'm thankful for my school and my friends."


Adriana Reavis of Burke "Friends and family; I'm thankful for being able to play soccer and running."


Margaret Dominy of Springfield "I'm thankful for my good health and my two sons and my wonderful husband."