Crime Report: The following incidents were reported by the West Springfield District Police Station.

Crime Report: The following incidents were reported by the West Springfield District Police Station.

BURGLARY: 12200 block of Wye Oaks Commons Circle, between 10 p.m. Feb. 19 and 12:55 p.m. Feb. 20. An investigation determined someone used a garage door opener left inside a car to gain access to the home’s garage. A bicycle was reported missing.

FEB. 23


7600 block of Allman Drive, rings from residence

7800 block of Heritage Drive, cell phone from residence

FEB. 22


8200 block of Gunston Corner Lane, phone from business

FEB. 21


8200 block of Alban Road, electronics from business

10600 block of Braddock Road, liquor from business

8100 block of Carrleigh Parkway, property from vehicle

7200 block of Fullerton Road, wallets from business

8200 block of Gunston Corner Lane, wallet and cell phone from vehicle

8900 block of Ox Road, liquor from business

5800 block of Wye Oak Commons Court, property from residence

5800 block of Wye Oak Commons Court, wallet from vehicle

12200 block of Wye Oak Commons Circle, bicycle from residence

9500 block of Wythal Lane, property from vehicle


4500 block of John Tyler Court, 2015 Toyota Corolla