I read with interest Mr. Spiegel's letter [The Gazette, July 6, “How Best To Evaluate Supervisor Storck?”] regarding Dan Storck's performance as supervisor thus far. I do agree that his frequent communications are an improvement over his predecessor (although it does appear that the major function is ceremonial and congratulatory).
I think I can shed some light on Supervisor Storck's frequent calls for more taxation. Even though the prior county executive acknowledged several years ago that Fairfax County was paying employees above market rates in terms of both compensation and pension benefits, only a weak, halfhearted attempt at curbing the excess has been made.
Perhaps you saw a recent report that over half of fire department employees make over $100,000 a year and in fact, quite a few are making in excess of $150,000 per year in overtime, bringing total compensation to over $250,000. These are not department heads. No one ever thought to cap overtime? Firefighting is a hazardous job, but not the only one by any means. This level of compensation is excessive on its face and is certainly not an example of fiscal competence.
County employees are also retiring much younger than you are with better pensions. And the funding gap on those obligations is going to grow and grow. So you can see why Supervisor Storck thinks we need more taxation. It is much easier than having to adopt realistic compensation reform.
Valerie Downer