A float filled with children in the Orange Hunt Fourth of July Parade. Photo by Steve Hibbard.
Springfield — The Orange Hunt community in Springfield showed its patriotic side on the Fourth
of July by holding its annual Independence Day Parade on Sydenstricker Road from Hunt Valley Elementary and ending at Orange Hunt Elementary. More than 100 people participated, mostly children from local Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, and Girl Scouts troops, and the parade participants far outnumbered the spectators. There were a few local politicians scattered in between, including Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity, State Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37), Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41), and Lolita Mancheno-Smoak, who is running for delegate of the 42nd District.
"This is a great community event. We partner with the Winston Knolls community. We come out with our red, white, and blue. Everybody wants to
celebrate the birthday of our country," said Patty Kimmel, President of the Orange Hunt Estates Civic Association.