Tim, Betsy and Natalie Moore of Burke wait for the fireworks celebration at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton on Saturday July 1. Photo by Steve Hibbard.
The crowds came out to the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton for its Independence Day Celebration, which was held on Saturday, July 1. Families set up their own picnics with blankets and lawn chairs on the campus green in the 90-degree heat. In addition to the fireworks, there was food, craft beer and wine, and live music provided by Shane Gamble. To beat the heat, visitors could duck into the art exhibits in the air-conditioned artist's studios at the former Lorton Prison.
The Orange Hunt community in Springfield showed its patriotic side on the Fourth of July by holding its annual Independence Day Parade on Sydenstricker Road from Hunt Valley Elementary and ending at Orange Hunt Elementary. More than 100 people participated, mostly children from local Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, and Girl Scouts troops, and the parade participants far outnumbered the spectators.