Sharing Perspectives on a New Year in Potomac

Sharing Perspectives on a New Year in Potomac

Examining goals and making resolutions.

Rose McKinnon, Abbie Olshin and Elena Olshin sit outside the Potomac Starbucks and talk about resolutions for the new year.

Rose McKinnon, Abbie Olshin and Elena Olshin sit outside the Potomac Starbucks and talk about resolutions for the new year. Photo by Peggy McEwan


Maria Silvani said she never has made a new year's resolution. She is from Argentina and said it's not part of her culture.


Mary Stark hopes to stay healthy in 2017 and take her son on a trip.


Gloria Weissman joined other seniors at Potomac Community Center on Dec. 23 and shared her ideas on New Year's resolutions.

Looking ahead this time of year can mean making plans, organizing activities for children or just relaxing from Hanukkah or Christmas and not thinking about what 2017 will bring.

Some local residents, however, have given some thought to the year ahead and what changes they hope to make in their lives or things they hope to do or even leave alone.

Richard Pugh, meeting with other seniors at Potomac Community Center, was definite about his life in the new year.

“My resolution is to be nice and kind to everyone, to keep the holiday spirit all year round,” he said.

Another senior, Mary Stark, said she would like to take her son on a trip, probably to Alaska. “He’s taken such good care of me,” Stark said. She would like to return the favor.

Gloria Weissman’s resolution is more of a dream than a change in lifestyle. “I’ve always wanted to do a balloon ride,” she said. “I don’t know why, it’s just something I’d like to do.”

The seniors listened and laughed at their dreams but encouraged each other to “go for it.” Particularly Weissman. They offered her ideas on how she could make that ride happen.

Also at the community center, Maria Silvani, read in the lobby while her son played pool.

Silvani said she never makes New Year’s resolutions.

“I’m very constant,” she said. “Whatever I do, I do constantly. I don’t feel the need to start something January first.”

Silvani said she is from Argentina which may explain why she does not make resolutions.

“It’s not common in Argentina to do resolutions,” she said. “So maybe it’s cultural.”

She also said she believes that people who make resolutions are done with their resolve by Jan. 15.

Friends Rose McKinnon and twins Abbie and Elena Oilskin met at Starbucks in Potomac and sat outside to talk about their resolutions for 2017.

Abbie Olshin said she hasn’t thought about it much but does know she wants to read more plays. She is a theatre major at Montgomery College and said she wants to become familiar with more plays.

Her sister, Elena, said she too wants to read more in the new year but that is a general resolution. Her real plan for 2017 is to be less of a consumer.

That includes being more thoughtful of the packaging of the things she buys. Her goal is to create less waste.

“I want to spend less money and create less waste,” she said. “Being less of a consumer would accomplish both.”

McKinnon said her usual resolution is to be tidier.

“It’s always, I’ll be tidier,” she said. “But I’d like to [run] the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler, she said. “I entered a lottery and got in but I’m still deciding.”