Letter: McLean Cares About ‘Green Living’

Letter: McLean Cares About ‘Green Living’

To the Editor

To the Editor:

Your recent article (“Saving Trees while Building Houses,” McLean Connection, April 27-May 3, 2016) highlighted an important issue in McLean. As the participants at McLean’s tree forum noted, the loss of trees has an immediate impact on the quality of life. As importantly, loss of the tree canopy has an impact on our carbon footprints. Because trees shade our homes in summer, they can significantly reduce our use of air conditioning, which is often a home’s biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

My congregation, Holy Cross Korean Episcopal in Falls Church, follows the lead of the Episcopal Church in encouraging us to “commit ourselves to walk a different course” on climate change. I applaud the effort of McLean developers to preserve the tree canopy. I encourage our elected officials to show the same commitment to real solutions.

Here in Fairfax County, the board of supervisors has shown leadership by making data on the county’s energy use public. On the state level, Gov. McAuliffe has repeatedly confirmed that he is drafting a Clean Power Plan that will truly protect our homes and families. An effective Clean Power Plan will help ensure that the energy our homes consume is clean and safe.

I encourage the board and the governor’s administration to see their commitments through. As our neighbors in McLean demonstrate, there is strong community interest in green living.

Eunyoung Kim

The writer is a member of Holy Cross Korean Episcopal Church in Falls Church and does faith-based work on climate change with Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions.