Cindy Koshatka, with Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board Emergency Services, practices administering a nasal spray of the overdose-reversing drug Naloxone. Photo by Tim Peterson.
In 30 to 45 seconds, a single dose of the drug Naloxone can be the difference in whether someone experiencing an opiate overdose lives or dies.
Since October 2015, the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board has been offering “Revive!” training courses to the public for how to administer the antidote, in both nasal spray and direct-thigh-injection forms. In that time, they’ve trained 530 people, CSB Assistant Deputy Director Lyn Tomlinson said.
“A lot of people are learning about it,” said Lauren Krause, a Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board Substance Abuse Counselor who led a training on May 3. “People are feeling empowered by this training, they’re learning how they can fight back and help the people they love.”
The training includes a discussion of overdose risk factors and myths, and how to visibly distinguish between an overdose and someone who is just high. With an unresponsive, potential overdose scenario, there’s a CPR-like progression of calling 9-1-1, checking the airway and giving rescue breaths before administering a dose of Naloxone.
Once the one-hour training session is over, trainees have an opportunity to get a prescription for Naloxone filled right at the CSB.
Revive! training classes are offered twice a month at the Merrifield Crisis Center at 8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive in Fairfax and the Gartlan Center, 8119 Holland Road in Alexandria. For more information, visit
The evening of the May 3 training, Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) hosted a Town Hall meeting with other elected officials and law enforcement to discuss the scope of the heroin and prescription opioid drug problem in Fairfax County.