Commencement speaker and AP Coordinator Richard Hoppock shares four tips with the soon-to-be graduates. Photos by Elaina Taylor/The Connection
“To quote Abraham Lincoln, ‘you are given three names in life. The one you inherit, the one your parents give you and the name you make for yourself,’” Lake Braddock Secondary School Principal David Thomas said. As he continued to introduce the graduating class of 2016, it became clear this class of 659 had made a name for itself.
Collectively, they amassed 6,100 hours of community service, 112 Civic Seals for outstanding service, over nine million dollars in scholarships and had 145 honor graduates in their midst.
“We didn’t just ‘bear’ through it, no pun intended, we exceeded and excelled,” said class officer Omar Elhaj. And for the Lake Braddock Bruins, they just couldn’t bear to leave their mascot out.
For their class gift, most of the money went into installing a plaque to honor fallen Bruins, while the remainder went into a new bruin mascot costume.
Commencement speaker and AP Coordinator Richard Hoppock shared four tips with the soon-to-be graduates.
“Number one is to overcome your fear of failure, since you grow most when you leave your comfort zone.”
Quite like Hoppock was doing right then, finally confronting his fear of public speaking as he stood up on the stage “mildly terrified,” having dropped a dreaded oral communications class back in college.
“Number two is that you have to like yourself. Be worthy of your own self-respect and do things that make you proud. Number three is that you need a community, and that you should dedicate time to other people. Number four is that, like this speech, it’s better late than never,” he said.
“Good luck class of 2016, I wish you well,” Hoppock concluded.