Rev. Ernest Krug (left) and Rev David Young (right), of the Presbyterians for Disability Concerns present the Nancy Jennings award to Elizabeth and Susan Lydick (middle) of Burke Presbyterian Church for their TreeHouse Ministry. Photo Contributed
Susan and Elizabeth Lydick traveled to Portland, Oregon, in June to receive the 2016 Nancy Jennings Award during the bi-annual General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The Nancy Jennings Award is presented to a person or congregation or PC (USA) entity that affirms, supports, and advocates for the gifts, rights, and responsibilities of persons with disabilities in the total life of the church.
Susan and Elizabeth provide leadership for the BPC TreeHouse Ministry, having founded the ministry in 2006, with Burke Presbyterian Church.
The BPC TreeHouse ministry is a life-changing, transforming place where the focus is on abilities and not
disabilities and loving God and loving others are readily apparent. The ministry strives to be “a faith community of people whose mission is to create, nurture, and share a safe place where people can connect with themselves and with others to find acceptance, encouragement, healing, and support as they face difficult mental, emotional, and physical challenges.”
BPC TreeHouse is open to all and helps people to identify and become engaged in the total life of the church community. Members organize and participate in church events, serve in church leadership roles, attend worship and Sunday School/Christian education classes, and are actively involved in a variety of mission and outreach activities. For more information, you can go to or contact Susan E. Lydick, PhD;; 703-328-4421 mobile.
The Nancy Jennings Award is presented by the Presbyterians for Disability Concerns (PDC), a network of Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA). The award is given in memory of Nancy Jennings, a former moderator of PDC, who worked tirelessly advocating for people with disabilities.
Nancy lived with seizures and encountered the fear and prejudice of people who believed that she had an “evil eye.” Some neighbors refused to allow their children to play with Nancy’s children because they believed that she was demon possessed.
“We are honored to present the Nancy Jennings Award to Susan and Elizabeth Lydick for their development and leadership of the BPC TreeHouse Ministry”, according to Rev. David Young, Co-Moderator of Presbyterians for Disability Concerns.