Letter: Vote YES for the Fairfax County School Bond Referendum

Letter: Vote YES for the Fairfax County School Bond Referendum

To the Editor

To the Editor:

I urge all Fairfax County citizens to vote YES for the Fairfax County school bond referendum on November 3rd.

Nearly $300 million is needed for infrastructure improvements and new build-out for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Voting YES on the school bond referendum will allow the county to maintain the “world class education system” that FCPS provides, which is a driving force behind our region's economic success.

FCPS is the largest public school system in the Commonwealth and the 10th largest school system in the nation. Since the 2008-2009 school year, enrollment has increased by more than 22,000 students and continued strong growth is anticipated. Existing classrooms are in dire need of renovations to assure student safety.

Bonds are the means by which we provide the necessary funding. The use of bonds avoids diverting funds that are critically needed for classroom instruction. They also spread the financing of required school construction over the improvement's usable life, diversifying the contribution throughout several years.

It is important to note that the use of bonds will not increase county taxes, nor will they affect the county’s coveted bond rating.

Together, we can pass the 2015 School Bond to make the necessary investments for a brighter future for our students and our county. To learn more visit: www.fairfaxschoolbond.com.

Len Forkas

Chairman, Fairfax Citizens for Better Schools