To the Editor:
An open letter to Allison Silberberg:
You offer many ideas but very few specifics. Elaboration would be very helpful.
What does “more transparent” mean? Are there secret meetings going on? What specific aspects of Executive Sessions do you disagree with?
You suggest we need greater community involvement. What concerns you? How would you address it? Do you believe that residents with “issues” are reluctant to bring them forward?
You want to improve our schools. Specifically how? How would you measure progress? With 3,000 more students expected over the next few years how do you propose to fund the needed space and teachers?
You want more affordable housing. How would you fund it? What do you not like about the Beauregard Plan providing 800 affordable units?
You want more recreational facilities in the city yet did not support the contemplated Hensley Park development. Are you against any joint aquatics center with Arlington? How would you fund Alexandria’s own facility?
You want to even out the tax base but appear to be unsupportive of many proposed commercial developments while eager for more (affordable) residential development. How do you reconcile those positions?
You talk of “thoughtful, appropriate development” and “smart growth” — meaning specifically what? What current developments are you not supportive of and why?
You want us less focused on government business. Did you object to NSF or TSA? What businesses would you target? How, given the highly competitive regional market?
Given your interest in development, how active were you in the Beauregard plan? In the West Eisenhower plan? What issues did you raise? Did the plans take account of them?
The mayor is essentially the CEO of a $650M business with 2,500+employees and needs to take the lead in finding consensus on often contentious issues. What does the frequency of your disagreements with other council members (sometimes all six) suggest about your ability to develop consensus?
You stress the major improvements needed to our road, sewer and storm water systems. How would you address and pay for these?
As the city is required to have a balanced budget, what do you mean that we have a “structural imbalance” between our revenues and expenditures?
You have a lengthy wish list. How do you propose all these things get paid for especially if you are averse to increasing the city’s borrowings? How much progress have you seen during your tenure as vice mayor?
Mindy Lyle