Letter: Term Limits? Elections Matter

Letter: Term Limits? Elections Matter

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Years ago when term limits were all the rage, the national President of the League of Women Voters, Becky Caine, said on one of the Sunday talk shows, “We have terms limits. They’re called elections.” It is not the American way to allow anyone to continue to hold office forever. There does not need to be a law limiting public service. The wise tradition of not serving too long is enough. Most office holders choose a time to retire voluntarily or accept defeat graciously when it comes.

Now our mayor is refusing to accept the results of a primary election which no one claims was fraudulent in any way. He says that he and he alone is capable of guiding the city, otherwise ruin awaits us. His die-hard supporters write letters saying they just don’t understand why anyone objects to his running. The objection is that in America, we have never accepted the idea of the indispensable man. It is an undemocratic idea, foreign to basic ideas about good government that almost all of us hold regardless of our other political opinions.

Katy Cannady
