Stories and sprinklers on the Town Green draw younger children on hot, steamy days. Photo by Donna Manz.
VIENNA FARMERS MARKET opened for the season on Saturday, May 2, with seasonal greens, plants, and family entertainment. The market is a producers-only market, and is sponsored by the Optimists of Greater Vienna. The market is open every Saturday through October.
The Vienna Farmers Market takes place in the back lot of Faith Baptist Church, 301 Center Street South, across the street from Waters Field.
For a list of vendors and to keep apprised of special events, go to
Concerts include bluegrass, classic pop, kiddie rock, jazz, and prestige bands of the U.S. Armed Forces. Free. Bring a blanket, lawn chairs and a picnic as live music fills the evening air. Little kids move up to the stage area and dance their little feet away. Adults chat with friends and neighbors. It’s small-town Vienna at its best.
Friday night concerts are sponsored by Whole Foods Vienna.
Check, Parks and Recreation, for concert times. For updated weather cancellation notices, call the Parks and Rec hotline, 703- 255-7842
AFTERNOON ON CHURCH STREET CELEBRATIONS, monthly, May through October, last Sunday of each month.
From 1 to 5 p.m. the last Sunday of the warm-weather months, Historic Church Street turns into a pedestrian street fair. Free entertainment and open shops, themed activities and neighborly shopkeepers make for a family-focused “fun” day. Church Street Sunday opens on May 31 with the “Avenue of Art,” hosted by the Vienna Arts Society. Artwork and artists join the fun. Artists share their perspectives on their works and will present demonstrations of techniques and media. A children’s art tent will be set up for children to explore their inner-artist.
Local restaurants plan on bringing dining to the sidewalks.
SUMMER STORIES AND SPRINKLERS, Wednesdays, begins on June 24 and runs through August 5.
On the green behind Freeman House, young kids can listen to a story and, then, run through the sprinklers watering the lawn of the Town Green. Come at 1 p.m. for the story and 1:30 p.m. for sprinkler fun. Sponsored by Historic Vienna, Inc. and the Town of Vienna.
JULY 3 FIREWORKS AND ENTERTAINMENT, Friday, July 3; Yeonas Park for live music; Southside Park hosts the fireworks display.
Although the annual Independence Day festival hosted by the Town of Vienna will not take place this year on the grounds of the Vienna Community Center – center is closing June 1 for a long –term renovation - live entertainment and the fireworks display continue the tradition with the Rockin’ Independence Eve Festival. In a twist of circumstance, the 4th of July fireworks display is on the 3rd of July in 2015. Vienna classic pop favorite “Fat Chance” kicks off the festivities at 7 p.m. at Yeonas Park. Next door, at Southside Park, fireworks go off at 9:15 p.m.
JULY 4 FEATURES A FUN-FAIR ON THE TOWN GREEN sponsored by the Town of Vienna and community businesses and service organizations. Noon to 2 p.m. is prime-time for festivities, including live entertainment, kids’ activities (bounce house, pie-eating contest), food sales and more.
Optimist Club of Greater Vienna is holding a 50-50 raffle during the “fair.”
The Vienna Inn will be selling pizza and chili dogs from noon to 2 p.m. and is hosting the first-ever chili-dog-eating competition, starting at noon. Registration required. Grand prize of $250 for person who eats the most hot dogs in allotted time window.
Vienna’s American Legion Post 180 will be on the Town Green all afternoon, from noon to 6 p.m. hosting the annual 4th of July beer tent. Mill Street shuts down between noon and 6p.m. Antique car show runs until 2 p.m. and prizes awarded to owners.
Filene Center launched its summer season on May 22 with Garrison Keillor hosting his annual Prairie Home Companion presentation. Counted among the diverse performers are classic rock artists, contemporary pop artists, symphonies, dance, comedy, stage theatre, blues, classical, international, and American ethnic music.
The Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods features morning performances geared to the interests of children but with an educational “edge” to the productions. The Native Pride Dancers debut the children’s series on June 30.
For calendar and pricing of tickets, see