Letter: Disappointing Vote

Letter: Disappointing Vote

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

On May 7 the Fairfax County School Board added “gender identity” to their nondiscrimination policy. The vote was 11 to 1 with Ms. Elizabeth Schultz being the only vote against this motion. In this motion the School Board took a social topic that is of interest to a vocal minority and made it an educational matter for a majority. In doing so they neglected their duties of discussing such a topic with the community and reviewing its impact on all students, teachers and the system. More importantly they neglected the delivery of education in one of the nation’s largest school systems.

In Fairfax County schools receive close to 70 percent of the county’s budget yet too often we as residents ignorantly believe “level heads” will prevail when making decisions regarding education on behalf of our children and the taxpayer. This vote suggests otherwise.

This School Board’s vote was a disappointment to the public and an example of the wrongs instigated by party zealots who place special interest candidates on the ballot. The result is a policy and governing disaster. November can’t come fast enough.

Elizabeth Bradsher

Former Fairfax County School Board Member

Fairfax Station