Alexandria Neighborhoods: Taylor Run Underground Rescue

Alexandria Neighborhoods: Taylor Run Underground Rescue

The story in the Post about the people trapped in the Metro reminded me about what happened to a group of us working on a Tom Hanks movie about a man with one red shoe. We sat underground in stifling July heat for several hours until someone got the authority to turn off the electricity so we could get out of the Metro car without being electrocuted.

Tom Hanks cheered us all up by walking through the cars and reading bulletins that sounded like dispatches from a war front "Don't worry," he kept saying, "We've got plenty of blankets." This was very entertaining because it was 95 degrees. After several hours had passed, someone finally turned off the electricity, and we all climbed out onto the tracks, Tom Hanks leading us and delivering inspiring comments. Finally after climbing a ladder we found ourselves in Arlington Cemetery, and someone sent a bus for us. Tom Hanks has been my favorite actor ever since.