Mary Walher of Fairfax models a spring tunic and hat to the guests at Shepherd's Center. Photo by Terrance Moran/The Connection
The Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke held its first fashion show for the fashion conscious women of Fairfax and Burke. The spring outfits were provided by Draper and Damon's of Fairfax and the models are members of the Shepherd Center community. With piano accompaniment by Sylvia Mulherin the models had numerous outfit changes and delighted the more than 130 attendees.
Prior to the lunch catered by St. John Davis Center, a dozen vendors showcased their offerings for Shepherd’s Center guests. The vendors included, Avon, Beading for Haiti, Pampered Chef, Mystical Rose Flowers and Silpada Jewelry. Their tables were filled with browsers and customers.
The Shepherd’s Center provides life-enriching programs for older adults in the Fairfax-Burke community with the goal of enabling them to live independently. In the past year, the Shepherd’s Center provided over 1,000 rides for their over 800 clients. The Shepherd’s Center provides bi-monthly luncheons, learning classes in art, history, health and exercise. In addition, the center helps their clients with shopping, visitation for shut-ins, and monthly meetings for caregivers of dementia patients.
Drivers and office workers are always needed for their medical transportation and companion shopping programs. Contact their office at 703-323-4788.