To the Editor:
I am mother of two elementary school kids, a resident of Alexandria, and am deeply concerned about a bill pending in Congress that would force each state to recognize concealed carry permits from every other state.
Congress imposed carry, S 498, would force Virginia to allow dangerous people to carry concealed handguns — including in playgrounds, parks, and our cities’ streets — even people without any gun safety training, teenagers, and some criminals with recent convictions for violent crimes.
As a mom, I find it alarming that a federal law could force Virginia law enforcement to let people without basic gun safety training carry a loaded gun around my children and family – the people I care about most.
Recently in my son’s school, Riverside Elementary, a bullet was found in the gym during physical education class. If Congress forces Virginia to allow untrained people carry concealed, loaded handguns here, I’m afraid we may see these frightening incidents become more common.
Parents will not just sit and watch while our lawmakers put the lives of our children and communities at risk. While we are grateful to Senators Warner and Kaine for supporting gun sense policies when they stood with
92 percent of Virginians and voted in favor of comprehensive background checks, we must now urge them to stand up for the safety of our Virginia communities by opposing S498.
Regina Sanchez
Volunteer, Virginia Chapter, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America