Fairfax County Board of Supervisors chairman Sharon Bulova (center) reads her statement calling for outside input on improving information disclosure policies. Photo by Tim Peterson.
With endorsement, albeit non-unanimous, from the Board of Supervisors, the ad hoc commission organized by board chairman Sharon Bulova to review Fairfax County Police Department practices will hold its first meeting March 23.
A statement from Bulova’s office said, “The commission will recommend changes, consistent with Virginia law, which would help Fairfax County achieve its goal of maintaining a safe community, ensuring a culture of public trust and making sure our policies provide for the fair and timely resolution of police-involved incidents.”
The 34-member commission is comprised of 10 citizens, nine police representatives, five legal authorities, three academics and consultants, five members of the media and two county staff members, not including commission chairman Michael Hershman and Bulova.
Though not on the original list presented by Bulova, a recent addition to the commission membership is Salvatore Culosi. Culosi’s son, Dr Salvatore “Sal” Culosi, Jr., was killed by a Fairfax County Police officer Jan. 24, 2006 outside his Fair Oaks townhouse.
A current list of the commission members and more information on the commission itself is available at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/policecommission.
The public meeting is scheduled to take place March 23 at the Fairfax County Government Center, rooms 9 and 10, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The government center is located at 12000 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax.
Future meetings are tentatively scheduled for April 27, May 18 and June 22, all at the same time and location.
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