Fire Works in Arlington stayed open for 24 hours during last week’s Stand Up To Cancer fundraiser. LOUISE KRAFFT 2015
Celebrating the one-year anniversary of surviving “major league” cancer, Alexandria resident and retired Air Force veteran Pat Malone held a 24-hour marathon fundraiser at Fire Works American Pizzeria & Bar in Arlington. Starting at 4:26 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 10, Malone stood tall
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FIreworks Stand up for Cancer
Pat Malone celebrated one year being cancer free at Fireworks in Arlington.
Click Photo for Flashand continued standing for the next 24 hours at the restaurant. Fire Works stayed open through the night offering late night buffet and beverages, silent auction, ping pong, corn hole toss, overnight movies, popcorn and other games. Fire Works also matched all dine-in check donations up to $1,000. As of Saturday afternoon, donations were passing the $10,000 mark. Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is a program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. Visit Donations may still be made online at