New Squadron Commander CAP Major Michael Speakmon (left) is congratulated by outgoing Commander CAP Major Stephan Romeo (right) and CAP Captain Nelson Alcalde, Commander, Group 3, Virginia Wing, Civil Air Patrol. Photo by Thomas Adams/Burke Composite Squadron
Two long-time members of the Burke Composite Squadron were honored on Dec. 17 in a Change of Command at Irving Middle School in Springfield. CAP Major Stephan Romeo, Commander of the Burke Squadron, relinquished command of the unit to CAP Major Michael Speakmon. Major Speakmon, formerly the Deputy Commander of Seniors, now assumes command of the unit while Major Romeo takes on the role of Advisor to the Commander.
CAP Captain Nelson Alcalde, Commander of the Burke Squadron’s parent organization, Group 3 of the CAP’s Virginia Wing, was the principal speaker at the ceremony. He praised both officers for their leadership as demonstrated in training exercises and real world operations. Captain Alcade credited their consistently excellent command influence as the driving force behind the unit’s continued success.
Major Speakmon, in his new capacity as Squadron Commander, officiated at the promotion of Cadet Captain Julie Demoyonovich to Cadet Major. Cadet Major Demoyonovich’s promotion came in recognition of her outstanding performance as leader, trainer and mentor to the Burke Squadron cadets.
Four other squadron members were also recognized at the ceremony: Cadet Major Cory Harding who completed Achievement 15 of the Cadet Program, Cadet Basic Daniel Morgan who was promoted to Cadet Airman and Senior Member Sarah Demyonovich who received her Level One certificate signifying her progress in the CAP Professional Development Program.