Letter: How To Fix Recycling?

Letter: How To Fix Recycling?

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

As a Fairfax County resident who considers herself a dedicated recycler, I was shocked and extremely disappointed to learn that Fairfax County does not, in fact, recycle the glass it collects. According to a news article in the Dec. 3-9 Mount Vernon Gazette, “Environmental Quality of Life,” the glass that is collected by the county is considered a “discard” at area recycling plants and is shipped elsewhere for disposal by third-party “material processors.” Who knew? So, it is removed from our waste stream only to be dumped somewhere else. Not a great solution. I understand there should be an economic, as well as an environmental, incentive to help make recycling work but I find it hard to believe that a viable use for this glass cannot be found. What

can residents and our local and government officials do to change this?

Carol Cooke
