Great Falls Group Sells White House Ornaments Sale to Help Artemis House

Great Falls Group Sells White House Ornaments Sale to Help Artemis House


Ornaments are on sale at Great Dogs of Great Falls and The Studio at $25 each.

Great Falls Friends and Neighbors continue the tradition of selling the White House Ornaments -- available in the retail stores in Great Falls -- that help their efforts each year to raise funds for the local Artemis House Shelter.

Artemis House shelters women and children that are victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.

This year’s ornament honors President Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge actually started the tree lighting tradition on Dec. 24, 1923. The 60-ft tree came down from his native state of Vermont, and was replanted in the center of the Ellipse. The ornament symbols on the tree all represent objects of importance to President Coolidge, and the tree lights up to commemorate the President’s historic event.

There are two Great Falls Retail Stores helping sell ornaments this year:

Great Dogs of Great Falls, Great Falls Shopping Center, 9859 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, 703-759-3601; and The Studio, 10123 Colvin Run Road, Great Falls, 703-757-2330.

The ornaments sell for $25 each.