6 Artists: 5 Years - an exhibition and sale of artwork by local artists: Jackie Elwell, Elaine Floirmonte, Debbie Glakas, Lisa Neher, Sarah Swart and Barbara Wagner, at The Frame Factory, 212 Dominion Road NE, Vienna, until May 6.
Friday/April 10
Poulenc Trio. 8 p.m The Barns at Wolf Trap, 1635 Trap Road, Vienna. This intriguing oboe, bassoon and piano trio performs a virtuosic evening of French music. $35. 703-255-1900.
Empty Bowls Fundraiser. 5:30-8 p.m. Floris United Methodist Church, 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon. An Empty Bowls fundraiser for the benefit of Food for Others and hunger relief in Northern Virginia. Hosted by the Giving Circle of HOPE. Tickets are $25 and guests will receive a handcrafted ceramic bowl to keep and a simple soup supper. All proceeds raised will go to hunger relief in Northern Virginia. Purchase tickets online at www.givingcircleofhope.org. Prepaid tickets will be held at the door. For questions please email emptybowls@givingcircleofhope.org or call 703-665-9334.
Saturday/April 11
Riverbend Park’s Annual Bluebells at the Bend Festival. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Come by and join the fun (and see the gorgeous bluebells)! The Festival features live music, wildflower walks, live animals, face painting, wagon rides, and other family-friendly activities. The cost is $5 per person. Speaking of bluebells, they have sprouted, and are beginning to bloom. They should be near their peak by the time of the festival.
Spring’s Sprung. Tuesdays – Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. April 7 – May 2. Vienna Art Center, 115 Pleasant St. NW, Vienna. Members of the Vienna Arts Society present their annual spring show, judged by Brenda Barthell. Meet the artists at the awards reception, Saturday, April 11, 4– 6 p.m. Free and open to the public. 703-319-3971. www.ViennaArtsSociety.org.
Spring Cookout and Watoto Choir. 4:30 p.m. Providence Baptist Church, 8980 Brook Road, McLean. Comprised of orphan children from Uganda, this exciting group will be back at Providence with their energetic, joyful brand of praise and worship. Come at 4:30 p.m. to mingle with friends and neighbors at the Spring Cookout. Stay for the concert at 6 p.m. A love offering will be received at the end of the concert.
Casino Night. 7-10 p.m. Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston. Buy tickets Now for Reston Community Orchestra's annual fundraiser. Advance ticket: Single $65 / Couple $125. At Door $75/$140. Ticket covers food, drink, starter chip stack, raffle prizes. An evening of fun, fortune, and friends. http://restoncommunityorchestra.org/reston-community-orchestra-annual-benefit/
Fairfax Symphony Orchestra: A Civil War Portrait. 8 p.m. GMU Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War, the Fairfax Symphony Pops Orchestra and over 100 singers from choruses throughout the area come together to tell the story of this historical milestone through music, narration, and photography. Featuring music of the era from Stephen Foster to Battle Hymn of the Republic as well as such popular songs as Danny Boy & Annie Laurie with special guest narrator Allison Seymour of Fox 5 News.
Sunday/April 12
Table Top Model Trains. 1-4 p.m. 1200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. Table Top N Gauge Model Trains will be on display and running at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. Admission is free for Museum members and children 4 and under; $2 children 5-15 and $4 adults 16 and older. www.fairfax-station.org, 703-425-9225.
Rose Bush Planting Workshop. 2-4 p.m. Merrifield Garden Center 12101 Lee Highway, Fairfax. Rose bush planting workshop conducted by Arlington Rose Foundation. Learn how to plant in pots or beds and the best rose varieties to grow for this area. Wear gloves and bring your pruners. Free. 703-371-9351.
Jumping Jamboree. 2 - 3 p.m. Walker Nature Center, 11450 Glade Drive, Reston. Ages 3 to 5. Bring your jumping shoes as we learn about frogs, grasshoppers, rabbits and more. Participate in a jumping contest and see if you can leap as far as a frog or a high as a flea. Make a jumping craft and look for hopping creatures along the trails. Reservations required by April 9. Fee: $7/child RA members, $9/child Non-members. For more information, email naturecenter@reston.org, or call 703-476-9689 and press 5.