Lisa Merkel chats excitably at Jimmy’s Old Town Tavern after finding out she won the Herndon Town election for mayor. Photo by Reena Singh.
Lisa Merkel remains mayor after the Tuesday Town of Herndon Elections.
She beat Connie Hutchinson 1,308-1,066, according to tallies made at the Herndon Community Center.
“I think this is a sign that the town is open and excited about the possibility of the metro station,” said Merkel.
Hutchinson, who had served as the Herndon Vice Mayor, was proud of the support she gained during her election.
“I felt very honored to have the really strong support I had from the Herndon residents,” she said after the election results were posted at HCC. “I feel honored to represent the town as I had. I think there’ll be a lot of good debate on the council.
The town council, which is voted biannually at large, will be Jennifer Baker with 1281 votes, Grace Han Wolf with 1,256 votes, Sheila Olem with 1,211 votes, Jasbinder Singh with 1,197 votes, Steven Lee Mitchell with 1,126 votes and Dave Kirby with 1,107 votes.
“To those running who took the high road and stuck to the positive issues, I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart,” said Merkel. “That’s what Herndon is all about.”