Churchill Road Chess Team Wins White Oaks Challenge

Churchill Road Chess Team Wins White Oaks Challenge


Kim Moran

Pictured is the Churchill Road Chess Team, after winning the White Oaks Chess Challenge. From left (front row) are: Ashley Fuentes, Raka Adakroy, Cami Diba, Nidhi Gumpella; (middle row) Tarushi Goel, Jonathan Deng, Reevu Adakroy, Wyatt Fesler; (back row) Nicholas Liu, Eric Chen, Oviya Dass and Spencer Brooks.

The Churchill Road chess team won White Oaks Chess Challenge on April 28. Led by their coach, David Mehler, this is the first time that the Churchill Road team has won this tournament since 1999. Team members included: Raka Adakroy, Reevu Adakroy, Spencer Brooks, Eric Chen, Oviya Dass, Jonathan Deng, Cami Diba, Wyatt Fesler, Ashley Fuentes, Tarushii Goel, Nidhi Gumpella and Nicholas Liu.