Rooftop Worker

Rooftop Worker

Charles Barrett ES Principal Seth Kennard works from on top of the school roof last Friday as a PBIS reward for the students.

Charles Barrett ES Principal Seth Kennard works from on top of the school roof last Friday as a PBIS reward for the students.

The students at Charles Barrett Elementary School celebrated SCA Spirit Day on Friday, April 25, at the school. The students were asked to dress in their CBES shirts or dress up in attire that reflected a future career choice. In addition to Spirit Day it was also a PBIS (Positive Behavior, Interventions & Supports) celebration day. As a PBIS reward voted on by the students, the school Principal Seth Kennard spent a large portion of the school day working from the roof of the school.


Photo Contributed

Charles Barrett ES Principal Seth Kennard works from on top of the school roof last Friday as a PBIS reward for the students.