An unsolicited proposal from AT&T to build a cell tower next to a pool in the Landings Community of Burke Centre Conservancy drew opposition from many residents. The proposal was rejected on June 12. Photo by Janelle Germanos.
The Board of Trustees of Burke Centre Conservancy voted June 12 to reject a cell phone tower proposal for the Landings Pool location. The proposal was somewhat controversial in the community, with some residents concerned over the negative effects the tower would have on Burke’s quality of living. Six out of seven trustees voted in opposition to the AT&T proposal, which would have included a 60 feet high tower near a pool in the Landings community of Burke Centre Conservancy. At the June 12 meeting, the trustees also voted to not allow further cell tower proposals at swimming pools community centers in Burke Centre Conservancy. A petition in opposition to the tower had over 500 signatures.