It’s All in the Genes

It’s All in the Genes

Marlene and Alex Bocast are the happy masters of Ivy, a dog with a story.


Marlene Bocast relaxes with her dog Ivy, a pet with a unique and complex genetic makeup, on their front porch.

Have you ever encountered a dog that was one-quarter Landseer Newfoundland, one-quarter Chinese Shar Pei, and 50 percent undetermined? Although the Bocast family’s dog Ivy does have this exceptional genetic complexion, Marlene and Alex Bocast couldn’t be happier with their pet.

The Bocasts have had Ivy for over five years, picking her up from a dog rescue organization in West Virginia. They were unsure what breed Ivy was until they tested her DNA, and found that she was a combination of several different and unique breeds from around the world.

However, Marlene Bocast says Ivy’s genes are not the only thing special about her uncommon pet. “She has one great trick: When she comes in from the patio, she knows to close the door,” Bocast explains. “What’s interesting is if you’re in another room and you say ‘Door’, she’ll just close the nearest door to you.”