From left -- Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield), Empire owner Jeff Cohen and Del. David Albo (R-42) participate in Relay for Life of Springfield/Burke’s “Dance for a Cure” fundraiser at the Empire on Wednesday, June 25. Photo by Abigail Constantino/The Connection
Relay for Life of Springfield/Burke held a fundraiser at the Empire in Springfield on Wednesday, June 25. The event’s theme is “Dance for a Cure.” DJ Lance Ortega provided the selection of music.
Virginia House of Delegates member David Albo (R-42) said that these types of events help the cause by raising money. “That’s the most important thing because research and everything cost money,” he said.
Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) said that, in addition to money, these events also bring awareness to cancer and its prevention. Herrity’s mother is a cancer survivor.
Laurie Chadwell, co-chairwoman of the Springfield/Burke chapter, said that holding the fundraiser at a club brings awareness to a different demographic. “We reach a lot through the schools but this is a different arm of the community, a whole different audience” she said.
“When you have events like this, you’re able to raise funds for the same purpose that maybe the overnight relay did not,” such as people coming from work, said Nancy-jo Manney, executive director of the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.
Lori Cohen, who handles the marketing and venue rental for the Empire, contacted the Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Relay for Life of Springfield/Burke to see if there was an opportunity to hold an event in the club. “We want to get the community involved, allow them to use the venue for community-type events,” she said.
Local businesses donated raffle prizes and services, which ranged from scented candles to a weekend stay at a local hotel to lunch with Supervisor Herrity. The $5 admission fee included five raffle tickets, but there was also the option to pay $25 for 30 tickets.
Relay for Life of Springfield/Burke started five years ago in honor of local teacher and swim coach Beth Bryan, who died of cancer in 2009. It raises an average of $150,000 a year.
Relay for Life is a community-based fundraising event of the American Cancer Society.