Letter: Campaign Experience

Letter: Campaign Experience

To The Editor:

I recently had the opportunity to volunteer on the John Foust for Congress Campaign – a small office with a small army of professionals, interns, and volunteers – and I’m pleased to say that it was an extremely positive experience.

Although the office is barely noticeable from the outside, the hallways are constantly buzzing with interns, field coordinators, and campaign staff discussing issues, cracking jokes, making phone calls, and drinking an exorbitant amount of coffee. The staff is friendly and welcoming. It’s clear that the people involved work long hours and bring commitment and dedication to their effort. Many of the people volunteering on the campaign come in five or six days a week because they care about our future as Americans.

I made calls, knocked on doors, and talked to many voters. Most were friendly and interested in the election. I was pleasantly surprised by the experience as a whole. Everyone was polite, hard working, and dedicated to the cause. The people working on the campaign genuinely believe John Foust would be the best Congressman for the Tenth District. I would encourage anyone to stop by the office and get involved.

Jisu Kim
