Under the baton of Maestro Boguslaw Dawidow, Haifa Symphony Orchestra of Israel will be coming to George Mason's Center for the Arts this Saturday, Feb. 1 at 8 p.m. Photo by D. Nagl
Burke Residents have been interacting with members of the George Mason University Fairfax Campus for some time.
One of the benefits of this relationship includes use of Mason’s many cultural and entertainment events at the Patriot Center and the Center for the Arts.
In February, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will be coming to the Center for the Arts, featuring conductor and violinist Pinchas Zukerman.
At Mason’s Art and Design Building’s Fine Arts Gallery, “Black and White and Thread All Over” will be displayed until Feb. 21.
The exhibit, arranged by Virginia Commonwealth University Professor Sonya Clark, uses textiles, combs and hair as a commentary on race, culture and identity. An artist lecture and reception will take place in the Fine Arts Gallery Feb. 4, 1:30 p.m. Other events at Mason include the Haifa Symphony Orchestra of Israel, Walnut Street Theatre’s “Driving Miss Daisy,” and Mark Morris Dance Group.
Ticket prices vary. Visit cfa.gmu.edu for more information.
Burke residents can also travel to the City of Fairfax for the 2014 Chocolate Lovers Festival, taking place Feb. 1-2. Learn more at chocolatefestival.net