Q&A with Brooke Curran

Q&A with Brooke Curran

Brooke Curran at a 1K fun run with children taking home new books.

Brooke Curran at a 1K fun run with children taking home new books. Wayne Hulehan

After witnessing the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, Brooke Curran decided that she would embark on a mission to impact the lives of others. After recreationally running 10 miles each day, Curran made it her goal to run 50 marathons in all 50 states, seven marathons in each continent, and each of the five major marathons. Curran has successfully accomplished all these goals while raising money to fund more than 20 local charities with her Alexandria-based nonprofit, RunningBrooke.

What was it like running a marathon in each state? Did it get easier over time?

Each state is different and investigating their cities is very fun. Many times, however, I toed the starting line I thought, “Oh my god, whose idea was this?” 26.2 miles is a long way, no matter how many times you've done it. Over time I’ve become easier on myself; marathon running is now more a social activity than a competitive one. That has certainly made it more easier and fun.

What was your favorite marathon to run?

That’s a difficult question. My favorite international marathon was Berlin, and my favorite U.S. marathons were Boston and Big Sur.


Brooke Curran: After the Antarctica win.

How do you get the money to run your marathons?

I committed to not using any of the fundraising dollars for travel expenses. I’m a spokesperson for a pharmaceutical company because I have asthma and exercised-induced broncospasm (EIB). Working part-time helps offset the cost of traveling.

What are your current goals?

Right now I want to run 100 marathons, raise $1 million, continue to run one marathon each month while training for my first Ironman, and run them locally, so I can be closer to my family.

You’ve run one marathon each month since 2009. Have you ever burned out?

Surprisingly, no. Running speaks to me at a deeper level. I made a personal commitment to Alexandria. My passion for making an impact keeps me fired up. Now that I’m not as fast as I was. I just enjoy learning about a city and talking with my fellow runners. It feels good to be less competitive with myself and focus on the who and why I am running.

Share an exciting running story.

Running a marathon in Antarctica was exciting, to say the least. I won that marathon after battling 40 mph sustained winds, mud, sleet, snow, and cold temperatures. We wound our way through Russian, Chinese, and Chilean research bases.

What is your ideal meal?

The night before a marathon I always try to find a wood-fired pizza and good beer.

What is your favorite training spot?

I like running by the Potomac River. Being right by the water makes for a peaceful experience.

What is the hardest marathon you’ve had to run?

Running the Great Wall of China was tough. I battled 80 degree weather, a short water supply, and uneven staircases that were climbed 100 at a time. However, entire villages would line up along dirt roads. The spectators were one of a kind.

Tell us about RunningBrooke’s impact on the community.

44.5 percent of Alexandria’s children ages 2 to 5 years are obese or overweight, 30 percent of children did not pass their SOL tests for reading in 3rd grade, and 12 percent of Alexandria’s children drop out of school before graduating. Clearly, something is wrong. We know that a child who doesn’t read by third grade is far more likely to drop out of school and that kids need to get outside to develop healthy bodies and minds. Nevertheless, almost half of our kids are obese, overweight, and cannot walk from where they live to a playground.

RunningBrooke is unique because we go the distance and support the whole child — we invest in children early on in life. Since May of 2009 we have raised and donated over $300,000 to 22 nonprofits in Alexandria. To celebrate our 5th year, we will build KaBOOM! playground in an Alexandria neighborhood in all of one day with 200 volunteers.

Curran can be reached at therunningbrookefund@gmail.com