Letter: Why Not Recycle Sand

Letter: Why Not Recycle Sand

To the Editor:

During this unusually harsh winter, the county and VDOT have spread on our streets an unusually large amount of sand to provide traction for vehicles being driven on icy, snowy roads. A few years ago, I suggested to the Board of Supervisors that they institute a program to collect the sand from the gutters of our streets every spring to reduce siltation into our streams, creeks and rivers. This suggestion was not acted upon.

Last spring, in front of my driveway and within 20 feet to either side of it, I was able to fill a 13-gallon container with all of the sand that had accumulated there the previous winter and had not yet been washed down the storm drain and into Little Hunting Creek. If the county wants to recycle that sand, I have saved it. Imagine if every homeowner living near a storm drain did the same thing. Not only would a severe source of pollution and siltation be eliminated, but also, the county and state could reduce the expense of having to purchase large quantities of sand each year.

I urge our state and local officials to give serious consideration to starting programs intended to recycle the sand they spread on our roadways each winter.

H. Jay Spiegel, Mount Vernon