Vienna Making Plans for 125th Anniversary

Vienna Making Plans for 125th Anniversary

Town of Vienna was founded in 1890.


Parks and Recreation Director Cathy Salgado

The Town of Vienna’s 125th anniversary is next year, and plans to commemorate it are already beginning. In fact, the Town Council has already allocated $10,000 for it.

Parks and Recreation Director Cathy Salgado made a list of possible ways the Town could celebrate this historic day. Then she presented it to the Town Council so the members could tell her which ones they liked.

The actual date Vienna was founded was Feb. 28, 1890; and in 2015, it’ll fall on a Saturday. But the overall idea is to pay homage to the founding of Vienna by holding special events and doing particular things, all year long. One way in which it could be honored is via a re-enactment on Church Street; and if the weather’s good, it could even be held outside.

Another possibility is to have the local businesses stay open one Sunday a month, May through October, while closing a portion of the street for pedestrian strolling, music and a children’s activity.

In addition, vertical banners celebrating Vienna and its history could be hung from the tall, light poles on Maple Avenue. Salgado also said the Town’s official crest, or seal, should figure prominently in the celebration. Another idea is replacing the Town Hall’s existing weathervane with a new one or having the current one refurbished.

Noting that 25 percent of Vienna’s residents are originally from another country, Salgado said they could be highlighted in the Town’s newsletter and on the Town website. She said the many longtime residents could be featured, as well.

Another suggestion is that Vienna create a new, Town event in August. It would be a “Dinner in White,” to which people would wear white clothing and eat together outside. They’d also sit and eat with people they don’t know so everyone could get to know each other better and make new friends.

Yet another idea is to recreate a historic, Vienna horse race on the Fourth of July. Salgado also noted that the Town’s official holiday card from 1948 could be revived and recreated.

“The banners would be the biggest cost, but I think they’d look very nice,” said Councilwoman Linda Colbert.

“And we could leave them up the entire year,” added Councilman Howard Springsteen.

Salgado said there would be a total of eight banners in the center of Town. The Council members especially liked this idea, and Salgado said she’d look into their design and cost and report back to the Council at a later date.