Environmental Peace Makers to Visit Unity of Fairfax in Oakton

Environmental Peace Makers to Visit Unity of Fairfax in Oakton

The three co-directors of Friends of the Earth Middle East on the banks of the Jordan River. From left: Gidon Bromberg (Israel), Munqeth Meyhar (Jordan) and Nader Al-Khateeb (Palestine).

The three co-directors of Friends of the Earth Middle East on the banks of the Jordan River. From left: Gidon Bromberg (Israel), Munqeth Meyhar (Jordan) and Nader Al-Khateeb (Palestine). Photo contributed

Few bodies of water in the world are as revered, as fought over, or as polluted as the lower Jordan River, whose vital waters are shared by Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians. Yet this river of historic conflict has become a symbol of peaceful cooperation, largely through the efforts of Friends of the Earth Middle East (FOEME), a unique, award-winning, tri-national organization that unites Jordanians, Palestinians, and Israelis around one very simple idea: the peaceful stewardship of the Earth. On Monday, Sept. 30, these gentlemen, who were named Heroes of the Environment by Time magazine, will be making a rare visit to the U.S., stopping in Oakton to speak to faith communities to raise awareness, build political momentum, and share their reasons for hope with Americans possessing strong spiritual ties to the Holy Land. They will be appearing at churches, mosques, synagogues and houses of worship in the Washington area from Sept. 27 to Oct. 5, followed by events in Chicago and New York.

The event at Unity of Fairfax will begin in the sanctuary at 7:30 pm on Monday, Sept. 30 at 2854 Hunter Mill Road in Oakton, followed by a brief reception. The event is free and open to the public, and members of the news media are welcome.

For more information on FOEME, visit www. http://foeme.org. For updates on their speaking engagement at Unity of Fairfax, visit http://www.unityoffairfax.org/s-friends-earth-middle-east-seminar. The supplemental information included is available to use for news organizations along with the press release.