To the Editor:
After reading Gina Manning’s letter to the editor in the Sept. 25 edition [“Why Churchill Road?”], I am prompted to express my appreciation for the Connection’s coverage of Churchill Road Elementary School and other area schools. In an era when newspapers are working with reduced staffs and resources, we are fortunate to receive a weekly newspaper that features local news including updates of our area schools.
The McLean community is also lucky to have many very good schools, all of which have great things happening on a regular basis. I know that the McLean community joins me in the belief that it is important to celebrate the achievements of our young people. Running for student council, organizing Eagle Scout projects, coordinating fundraisers, or excelling in academics are impressive accomplishments and should be recognized and shared.
The staff and PTA of Churchill Road understand that the Connection does not have a staff of reporters that can visit area schools, so we have made a coordinated effort to supply the Connection with accounts of the ongoing events at Churchill Road, along with photos and captions of our students. We try to highlight the accomplishments of our students by sharing vignettes that provide an insight into our school’s environment. The time and effort we collectively put into publicizing Churchill Road is significant. It often requires our staff and volunteers to put in extra hours. Despite that effort, there is not an expectation that we will be featured in every publication of the Connection, but we put forth the effort because it certainly is fun for the children when it occurs!
Sharing school updates via the Connection is an opportunity that is available for every school. I look forward to future editions of the Connection. It will be great to see photos of Churchill Road kids, and I’ll feel pride at the accomplishments of other school communities that are sure to be featured as well.
Don Hutzel, principal
Churchill Road Elementary School