To the Editor:
This year's Virginia elections are critical, with candidates representing starkly different policies and approaches. The results will have long-lasting ramifications for all Virginians. It's therefore critical that everyone get out and vote. One easy way to do this is to take advantage of In-Person Absentee Voting, which means that citizens can vote early, ahead of Nov. 5. In this way, one doesn't have to worry about unexpected illness, traffic and/or work concerns, difficult weather, or longer Election Day lines. In order to vote in-person absentee, a voter must state that he or she satisfies one of 15 requirements. Most voters will find that they do, in fact, satisfy one of these reasons for voting early.
In-Person Absentee (early) Voting has already started. Saturday, Sept. 28, was the first of six consecutive Saturdays during which seven satellite voting centers (in addition to the main Office of Elections at the Government Center) will be open throughout Fairfax County between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. You can vote at any of them, irrespective of where you live. Beginning Oct. 15, this early voting will be available Monday through Friday (see the county website for details: HYPERLINK ""
Make it easy on yourself to do something important: Vote early.
Michael P. Fruitman