Book sale chairman Joy Whittington and Brian Engler of the Friends of the Burke Centre Library on Freds Oak Road. Photo by Steve Hibbard.
Patrons donated about 8,000 books, including vintage books and bestsellers, to the Burke Centre Library’s book sale last Wednesday through Saturday, Sept. 25-58. “It’s been very successful,” said Joy Whittington, book sale chairman, of the sale which brought in more than 300 customers. “People came from as far away as North Carolina and Georgia and bought $500 worth of books each.” She said the next sale will be a Holiday Book Sale on Nov. 18-19, featuring gift books for Christmas, Thanksgiving and Kwanzaa. On the last day of the sale, books are sold at the bargain price of $5 per bag.
“They say people aren’t buying books anymore, but it’s not true,” said Whittington. “The Kindle has not replaced having real books.”